
Recent Research

21/06/2022 New Issue: Westpac Capital Notes 9
On 21 June 2022, Westpac Banking Corporation (ASX: WBC) launched an offer for Westpac Capital Notes 9 (expected ASX code: WBCPL), to raise $750 million, with the ability to raise more or less. The offer is accompanied by a Reinvestment Offer for Eligible Holders of Westpac Capital Notes 2 (ASX: WBCPE). The purpose of the issue is to raise regula...
6/06/2022 New Issue: NAB Capital Notes 6
On 6 June 2022, National Australia Bank (ASX: NAB) launched an offer for NAB Capital Notes 6 (expected ASX Code: NABPI), to raise $1.0 billion, with the ability to raise more or less. The offer is accompanied by a Reinvestment Offer for Eligible Holders of NAB Capital Notes 2 (ASX: NABPD). The purpose of the issue is to raise regulatory capital ...
1/03/2022 New Issue: CommBank PERLS XIV Capital Notes
On 1 March 2022, Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ASX: CBA) launched an offer for CommBank PERLS XIV Capital Notes (expected ASX Code: CBAPK), to raise $750 million, with the ability to raise more or less. The offer is accompanied by a Reinvestment Offer for Eligible Holders of CommBank PERLS IX Capital Notes (ASX: CBAPF). The purpose of the tran...
15/02/2022 New Issue: ANZ Capital Notes 7
On 15 February 2022, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ASX: ANZ) launched an offer for ANZ Capital Notes 7 (expected ASX Code: ANZPJ), to raise $1.0 billion, with the ability to raise more or less. The offer is accompanied by a Reinvestment Offer for Eligible Holders of ANZ Capital Notes 2 (ASX: ANZPE). The purpose of the transaction is t...
11/10/2021 New Issue: Australian Unity MCIs
On 11 October 2021, Australian Unity Limited ( AYU ) launched an offer for Australian Unity Mutual Capital Instruments (ASX: AYUPA) seeking to raise $160 million at a price of $103 per security, with the ability to raise more or less. AYU initially launched AYUPA in December 2020, raising $120 million at $100 per security (Face Value). These ...
2/09/2021 New Issue: Latitude Capital Notes
On 2 September 2021, Latitude Group Holdings (ASX: LFS) launched an Offer for Latitude Capital Notes (ASX: LFSPA) to raise $125 million with the ability to raise more or less. These securities are structured as redeemable, perpetual, unsecured, convertible and subordinated notes of LFS. The purpose of the transaction is to raise capital for L...
30/08/2021 New Issue: Suncorp Capital Notes 4
On 30/08/21, Suncorp Group (ASX: SUN) launched an offer for Suncorp Capital Notes 4 (ASX: SUNPI, to raise $350 million, with the ability to raise more or less. SUNPI are structured as redeemable, perpetual, unsecured, convertible and subordinated notes. The purpose of the transaction is to raise regulatory capital (Additional Tier 1) for SUN....
17/08/2021 New Issue: Westpac Capital Notes 8
On 17/08/21, Westpac Banking Corporation (ASX: WBC) launched an offer for Westpac Capital Notes 8 (ASX: WBCPK), to raise $1.0 billion, with the ability to raise more or less. The offer is accompanied by a Reinvestment Offer for holders of Westpac Capital Notes 4 (ASX: WBCPG). WBCPK are structured as redeemable, unsecured, subordinated, perpet...
3/08/2021 New Issue: Macquarie Bank Capital Notes 3
On 3 August 2021, Macquarie Bank Limited (MBL) launched an offer for Macquarie Bank Capital Notes 3 (BCN3) to raise $400 million, with the ability to raise more or less. BCN3 are expected to be quoted on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) under the code MBLPD. BCN3 securities are perpetual, unsecured, convertible, non-cumulative and subordin...
22/03/2021 New Issue: Centuria Secured Redeemable Notes
On 22 March 2021, Centuria Capital No. 2 Fund (“the Issuer”, under terms and conditions set out in the Prospectus) launched an offer for Secured Redeemable Notes (ASX: C2FHA) to raise $100 million, with the ability to raise more or less. The margin above 3mBBSW is guided to be between 4.25 - 4.50%. Proceeds are being used to redeem the 2021 Whol...
11/03/2021 New Issue: NCC Convertible Notes
On 11 March 2021, NAOS Emerging Opportunities Company Limited (ASX: NCC) launched an offer for NCC Notes (Notes) (prospective ASX code: NCCGA), to raise $23 million, with the ability to raise more or less. The purpose of the transaction is to raise capital for NCC and provide funding flexibility, with the proceeds intended for increasing the siz...
24/02/2021 New Issue: CBA PERLS XIII
On 24 February 2021, Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ASX: CBA) launched an offer for Commbank PERLS XIII Capital Notes (Notes) (prospective ASX: CBAPJ), to raise $750 million, with the ability to raise more or less. These securities are structured as perpetual, subordinated, unsecured, convertible notes. Distributions are discretionary, non-c...
15/02/2021 New Issue: Macquarie Group Capital Notes 5
On 15 February 2021, Macquarie Group Limited (ASX: MQG) launched an offer for Macquarie Capital Notes 5 (MCN5, ASX Code: MQGPE), expected to raise $500 million. The offer is accompanied by a Reinvestment Offer for holders of Macquarie Capital Notes 2 (MCN2, ASX: MQGPB), which are expected to be called (first call date 17 March 2021). The secu...
16/11/2020 New Issue: NAB Capital Notes 5
On 16 November 2020, National Australia Bank (ASX: NAB) launched an offer for NAB Capital Notes 5 (ASX: NABPH), to raise $750 million, with the ability to raise more or less. The offer is accompanied by a Reinvestment Offer for holders of NAB Convertible Preference Shares (ASX: NABPB), which have been called (first call date 17 December 2020). ...
4/11/2020 New Issue: Westpac Capital Notes 7
On 4 November 2020, Westpac Banking Corporation (ASX: WBC) launched an offer for Westpac Capital Notes 7 (ASX: WBCPJ), to raise $750 million, with the ability to raise more or less. The offer is accompanied by a Reinvestment Offer for holders of Westpac Capital Notes 3 (ASX: WBCPF). These securities are structured as unsecured, subordinated, ...
28/10/2020 New Issue: Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Capital Notes
On 28 October 2020, Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited (ASX: BEN) launched an offer for Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Capital Notes (ASX: BENPH), to raise $350 million, with the ability to raise more or less. The offer is accompanied by a Reinvestment Offer for holders of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Convertible Preference Shares 2 (ASX: BENPE). The pro...
26/10/2020 New Issue: Bank of Queensland Capital Notes 2
On 26 October 2020, Bank of Queensland Limited (ASX: BOQ) launched an offer for Bank of Queensland Capital Notes 2 (ASX: BOQPF), to raise $200 million, with the ability to raise more or less. These securities are structured as unsecured, subordinated, perpetual convertible notes. Distributions are expected to be discretionary, non-cumulative, fl...
13/10/2020 New Issue: Challenger Capital Notes 3
On 13 October 2020, Challenger Ltd (ASX: CGF) launched an offer for Challenger Capital Notes 3 (CCN3, ASX: CGFPC), to raise $250 million, with the ability to raise more or less. The offer is accompanied by a Reinvestment Offer and Repurchase Invitation for holders of the existing Capital Notes 1 (CCN1, ASX: CGFPA). These securities are perpetual...
13/05/2020 Macquarie Bank Capital Notes 2 Relaunch - Completion of Bookbuild and Margin Set
On Wednesday 13 May 2020, Macquarie Bank Limited (“MBL”) announced the completion of the Bookbuild process for its offer of Capital Notes 2 ("MBLPB"), which was relaunched on Monday 11 May 2020. MBL allocated $500 million of Capital Notes 2 to Syndicate Brokers and Institutional Investors on a firm basis, $75 million more than the $425 millio...
11/05/2020 Suncorp to Exchange SUNPE via a Resale
On Monday 11 May 2020, Suncorp issued an Exchange Notice to CPS3 Holders for the Resale of the remaining ~$193 million issued by Suncorp on 8 May 2014. On 17 June 2020, all CPS3 on issue will be mandatorily purchased by a nominated purchaser for $100 per CPS3. Suncorp has exercised its option to exchange the residual CPS3, providing it wit...